The Guiding Principles for the Nelson Community Food Centre reflect the values and beliefs of the staff and Board of Directors that underlie the operation of the Nelson Community Food Centre.  The following statements serve as a reference for setting priorities and as a basis from which we can plan and evaluate Food Centre initiatives.

  • We believe that access to nutritious food is a basic and fundamental human right. We understand that a healthy diet supports people’s physical health and mental well-being. We strive to offer high quality food in all our programs, and respect people’s dietary restrictions wherever possible.
  • The Nelson Community Food Centre’s programs are designed to support low-income community members.
  • The Nelson Community Food Centre provides a broad range of no-cost and barrier-free programs. Everyone is welcome.  
  • The staff and Board of Directors treat each other, volunteers, community partners and the people we support with dignity and respect. We value diversity and respect confidentiality.
  • We demonstrate caring, integrity and accountability in our daily activities.
  • We operate under the basic belief that a team approach to problem solving is in the best interest of all parties involved.
  • We believe in the power of community and recognize that we can accomplish more through partnerships than can be accomplished alone.
  • We understand that for our community to be food secure we need to support local farmers and food producers. 
  • We strive to advocate on behalf of our prograsm participants on issues of poverty reduction, food security and social justice.
  • We commit to learn, take progressive action, and advocate against systemic inequities that disproportionately affect marginalized peoples, including Black, Indigenous and other racialized people and prevent equitable access to food.

Click here to register as a member of the NCFC. Please join us at our AGM, March 11, 5pm.